class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Twitter Stream Gathering ##
A DVS presentation ### John Little ### 2017-02-21 --- exclude: true ## Social Media 1. Many ways to gather social media data - Cloud Tools - Designed for non-programmers - APIs - requires registered keys and programming experience - Buy your data from a service such as GNIP 2. After you download it you may want to perform analysis - Sentiment Analysis, Word Frequency, Correlation, etc. - Text Analysis tools (from [Digital Humanities LibGuide]( - Digital Studio’s program on working with Texts: Comparing and choosing texts analysis tools --- class: orange ## Outline 1. Explore two methods of gathering real-time twitter stream data - TAGS - SPLUNK 2. Hands-on exercises in applying for twitter API Keys and configuring a twitter-stream data gathering tool - - [TAGS Video]( - [Rtweet Documentation]( 3. Investigate and discuss historical twitter data gathering - gnip 4. Discuss considerations for analysis - TAGS Explorer (Hands-on) - Netlytic - SocioViz - Voyant - Gephi --- ## TAGS: a tool for collecting Twitter streams - TAGS (“New Sheets”; Version 6.1ns) - Form driven (not command line) - Minimal setup - Data are collected in Google Sheets - Gather twitter stream data by type - screen-name stream data - screen-name status updates - twitter user favorited tweets - Search term for last 7 days: hashtag stream, username, boolean logic - Limit by date - Schedule to run hourly - set your interval, or run once. - 3 minute setup-video; easy to use - - Outputs: raw CSV structured data, plus default social graph visualizations --- background-image: url(images/tags-screen1.png) --- background-image: url(images/gsheets-results1.png) --- background-image: url(images/network-graph.png) --- class: softblue ## Now You Try... 1. Go to Tags - 2. Get Tags > Get version 6.1 (requires Google Account) - Make a **copy** of the TAGS 6.1 Template - In the Searchbox search either a hashtag or a Twitter handle - @ViolaDavis - TAGS > Run Now (requires a Twitter Account ; Authorize TAGS) - Wait for results (maybe 60 seconds) 3. Results are found in the "Archive" sheet --- class: center, bottom background-image: url(images/splunk.png) [Splunk Academic License]( --- class: h2orange background-image: url(images/keys6a.jpg) ## API Keys .left-column[ - You can - Regenerate keys - Change access permissions - Delete the keys/application - Keep your *Secret Key* a secret! ] .right-column.pull-right[ - A way for the Service Host to know how their API is being used - Register your Application at the Twitter API Dashboard ] <!-- Image credit: --> --- class: softblue ## Now You Try... 1. - Name = TAGS Twitter Data (must be unique across Twittersphere) - Description = My TAGS application collects my Twitter Searches - Web Site = A page that connects to you, or better to your application (e.g. A results report) - Callback URL = - Read the developer rules and accept the terms 2. Get your keys - Click on the *Keys and Access Tokens* Tab - Consumer Key (API Key) - Consumer Secret (API Secret) --- class: orange ## Historical Twitter Data - Last 7 Days from the Twitter API - []( for historical data - **Plan Ahead** --- class: orange ## Analysis TAGS offers - Summary Sheet - Dashboard Sheet - TAGS Explorer - Network graphs - Top Tweets - Top Hashtags - Top Conversations - Sheet must be publicly available - TAGS Archive - Search filters of the archive --- ## Other Analysis Tools ### Simple - Netylics - - SocioViz - ### Visual Text Analysis - Voyant - - Overview - ### Network Graph Analysis - Gephi - --- class: softblue ## Now You Try... Using your Twitter stream archive and TAGS, visualize the network of a twitter user 1. TAGS > Add Summary Sheet 2. TAGS > Add Dashboard Sheet 3. Make your Google Sheet Public - Share button > Done - <img src="images/Google-Share-button.png" style="vertical-align: top;"> 4. On the *Readme/Settings* Sheet > TAGSExplorer --- ## Resources - TAGS - - Splunk - Academic Program - - --- class: orange ## Review 1. Explore two methods of gathering real-time twitter stream data - TAGS - SPLUNK 2. Hands-on exercises in applying for twitter API Keys and configuring a twitter-stream data gathering tool - - [TAGS Video]( - [Rtweet Documentation]( 3. Investigate and discuss historical twitter data gathering - gnip 4. Discuss considerations for analysis - TAGS Explorer (Hands-on) - Netlytic - SocioViz - Voyant - Gephi --- ## Thank You For Attending .pull-left[ ### I am ... - John Little - - #### Schedule Me - []( ] .pull-right[ ### We are... - Data & Visualization Services - - The /Edge, Bostock (1st Floor) #### Walk-in Hours - [Schedule]( #### Our Workshops - [Current Workshops]( - [Past Workshops]( #### Contact Us - ] --- class: center, middle ## Shareable under CC BY-NC license Data, presentation, and handouts are shareable under [CC BY-NC license](