From Exercise One

Find the

  1. Number of instances of carrier
  2. Number of instances of Carrier
  3. Number of instances of carrier regardless of case
  4. Number of instances where a four digit number (e.g. 1960) is at the end of a sentence denoted by a period
  5. Using the following regex \b[A-Z]{2,3}\b How accurate do you feel this pattern matches two and three letter abbreviations?


Answers to questions on this page

From Exercise Two

  1. What does honesty? match?
    1. the word “honesty”
    2. “honest” or “honesty”
    3. the word “honest” at the end of a question with a “?” punctuation mark
    4. all of the above
    5. none of the above

From Exercise Three

  1. Reformat the names in the following format:

Last Name: <lastname>
-------First Name<tab><firstname>

new line = \n tab = \t

For Example:

Last Name: Dixon
——-First Name   Odetta

From Exercise Four

  1. Is there a hashtag that begins with a year? (e.g. 2016)
  2. Is there a hashtag that begins with any year?
  3. What is the complete hashtag?